Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tell me something new....

So tonight on CBS nightly news there was a segment about how China is the #1 polluter in the world and how the US is a close #2 **Hands on my cheeks, mouth wide open** Really?!? I am so surprised, not really...I believe the shocker of the whole segment was the average cost to employ a chinese worker was $.81 per hour compared to a whopping $23.00 per hour for US employees. Cleary I would not be able to afford my Louis Vuitton or Gucci purses on that salary but I'm sure if I was there I could definitely get the best of the best knock offs...

I digress the story basically states the US better get on board with Clean Energy Alternatives or be left in the dust by our chinese compeititors. They are making strides in this area and we are strugggglin to keep up. If you want to check out the news story, be my guest...


Sunday, March 7, 2010

WooHoo - I'm saving the earth and getting paid for it...

Soooo its been a minute since I posted anything on here and really I just haven't had much to say...Well I'm back and ready to rumble. Obviously I have something great to say **drumroll** As of Monday I am the new Environmental Advisor for the huge Hydrogen Energy Plant that is being built in Bakersfield, Cali!!! WooHoo, I can honestly say that I am saving the Earth and as a matter of fact I am your stimulus package. President Obama (DOE) is funding $308 million to get this project up and running!!! This is like my senior project in college on steroids! I'm so thankful to be on this project I have no words...want to hear more well check out the video...