Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Its about time!!!!

Yeah!!! I'm officially a blogger! I know, I know, many of you are saying well its about darn time...yeah I'm just a little slow.

So some of you are wondering who the heck am I, well... I'm Talley, an environmental expert that has a consulting company that can help you, your family, and business (home or office) go green! Not only will you be saving the earth but you can also save money just by making small changes to your everyday life. Going Green is not just a movement....its a lifestyle!!! So I'll be here to give you all the tips you need to start going green. And if that is not enough, I can always make a trip to your home and office and give you an assesment of what you need to do to get going.

So for now....

Ciao and Go Green!


In Carm's AKA Angie's World said...

I'm looking forward to seeing some great tips. Thanks Talley!

L.Humphrey said...

We can all start by buying ECO-friendly household products, ORGANIC foods (they are more tasty than you think! your BODY will love you for it!) If you want to take baby steps try, RECYCLING!! (your EARTH will love you for it!)